Dr Aushi Patel Anokhi Dental SYDNEY

Dr Aushi Patel

BDS (London), AIAOMT,

Contact Dr Aushi Patel

Dr Aushi Patel is a female .

Aushi Patel is the principal dentist and owner of Bio Compatible Dentistry. She has been practicing dentistry for over 22 years and more than half of this as a holistic dentist.

Aushi was born in East Africa and spent much of her childhood growing up in Canada. After moving to the U.K. in her teens she was accepted into King’s College, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London. She obtained her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of London in 1995.

She spent several post graduate years working in the hospital system as a senior house officer in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This is where her passion for surgery was ignited and her knowledge of medicine grew.

Soon after moving to Sydney in 2000 she was introduced to the concept of holistic dentistry. This resonated well with her appreciation of traditional medicine and it’s value in dentistry.

Aushi joined Bio Compatible Dentistry in 2003 and in a gradual process became sole director in 2007. In this time, she has avidly studied nutrition, detoxification, traditional medicine and healing modalities relating to holistic healthcare.

She is extremely passionate about biological dentistry and Ayurvedic philosophies. Working closely with some of the country’s leading practitioners such as holistic doctors, ayurvedic practitioner’s, naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, osteopaths and she provides a truly unique approach combining ancient wisdom with modern, science based dentistry. Coming from Indian heritage Aushi grew up with Ayurvedic principles and uses these foundations in her day to day life.

Aushi is an accredited SMART member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology(IAOMT). She has been trained and tested in the basics of biocompatible dentistry, including current methods for safer removal of mercury amalgam fillings

As a result of her gentle approach and compassionate nature Aushi has had many years of experience dealing with nervous and anxious patients.