IM Dental is a Dentist in Albury, NSW with dentists including Dr Kevin Lam, Mr Stephen Sloan, Dr Sarah Wong and Dr Iain Mentiplay.
593 Englehardt Street
Albury NSW 2640
(02) 6021-4192
(02) 6041-5868
To make an appointment at IM Dental, please call (02) 6021-4192
I grew up in Melbourne but my studies brought me to the country where I have embraced the regional lifestyle.
Originally from Adelaide, I moved to Albury to study my Bachelors in Oral Health Therapy.
Dr Sarah Wong is a female who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).
Although a city girl at heart, university brought me to various country towns and once I graduated I have settled in Albury/Wodonga.
I was born and raised in Melbourne but as soon as we had the means my wife and I left the big smoke for the attractions of the country and haven’t looked back.