AMR Dental is a Dentist in Margaret River, WA with dentists including Dr Zjana Allan, Dr David McInerney, Dr Julian Painter, Ms Donna Morrison and Ms Genevieve Greaves.
Watcliffe Medical Centre
3 Station Road
Margaret River WA 6285
(08) 9757-3900
To make an appointment at AMR Dental, please call (08) 9757-3900
Dr Zjana Allan grew up in Perth and graduated from the University of Western Australia as a Dental Surgeon in 2020. Zjana completed her Bachelor of Science with a major in Sport Science in 2014. She enjoys all aspects...more...
Dr David McInerney has been serving Margaret River as a Dental Surgeon since 1994, and takes great pride in the exceptional rapport he has built with the community since. David has over 30 years of dental experience i...more...
As a youth, Dr Julian Painter embraced dentistry and never wanted to do anything else. He graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1983 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery. While there, he loved studying biological ...more...