Melbourne Street Dental is a Dentist in North Adelaide, SA with dentists including Dr Alexander Lam, Dr Ned De Angelis and Dr Rob Sergi.
202 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
(08) 8267-2847
(08) 8239-1446
To make an appointment at Melbourne Street Dental, please call (08) 8267-2847
Dr Alexander Lam is a male who speaks Mandarin and Vietnamese (as well as English).
Dr Alex Lam brings a fresh and enthusiastic approach to dentistry. Alex was born in Adelaide and was schooled at St. Peter's College. He graduated with double degree 1st Class Honours from the University of Adelaide...more...
Dr Sergi graduated with his Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide and spent his early years practicing in the country areas of the state developing his experience and skills. Returning to Adelaide...more...