Oneroa Dental Surgery

Waiheke Island DENTIST

Open · Closes 7:00 pm

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Oneroa Dental Surgery is a Dentist in Waiheke Island, with dentists including Dr Kelly Dempster, Dr Nick Stretton, Dr Lonika Joshi and Ms Jasmine Kamboj.

Level 1 Pendragon Mall
9/118 Ocean View Road

Waiheke Island 1081

(09) 372-6849

(09) 372-6882


To make an appointment at Oneroa Dental Surgery, please call (09) 372-6849

The Oneroa Dental Surgery team

Dr Kelly Dempster Oneroa Dental Surgery Waiheke Island
General Dentist in Waiheke Island

Dr Kelly Dempster is a female General Dentist.

Kelly graduated from Otago University with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and has experience in the community and private settings. She has worked as a House Officer at Northland District Health Board providing emergenc...more...

Dr Nick Stretton Oneroa Dental Surgery Waiheke Island
General Dentist in Waiheke Island

Dr Nick Stretton is a male General Dentist.

Nick is a registered dental surgeon who graduated from the University of Otago. After travelling and working in Outback Australia and Alice Springs Hospital, Nick decided to move back home to New Zealand. Nick has gai...more...

Dr Lonika Joshi Oneroa Dental Surgery Waiheke Island
General Dentist in Waiheke Island

Dr Lonika Joshi is a female General Dentist.

Lonika enjoys all aspects of general dentistry, and has a special interest in restoring the mouth to full function, including crafting her own ceramic crowns with our in-house furnace and CADCAM system.

Lonika ...more...

Ms Jasmine Kamboj Oneroa Dental Surgery Waiheke Island
Oral Health Therapist in Waiheke Island

Ms Jasmine Kamboj is a female Oral Health Therapist  who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).

Jasmine graduated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Oral Health degree in 2018 and has since been working in Whangarei with a wide range of patient cases, which allowed her to radically upskill both trea...more...

Ms Bronwyn Weaver Oneroa Dental Surgery Waiheke Island
Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist in Waiheke Island

Ms Bronwyn Weaver is a female Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist.

Bronwyn is our registered Dental Hygienist and Therapist and after a year practising in London moved to Waiheke in 2005 with her husband Tim. Bronwyn graduated from the UK and has a special registration allowing her t...more...