Dr Caroline  Trojaner Nunes Lumino The Dentists - Dental on the Shore Auckland

Dr Caroline Trojaner Nunes

General Dentist

Contact Dr Caroline  Trojaner Nunes

Dr Caroline Trojaner Nunes is a female General Dentist.

With over 10 years of experience in all forms of general dentistry, Caroline enjoys all aspects of dentistry from simple procedures as fillings and extractions to complex treatments as crowns and root canal treatment.

After completing the 5-year Bachelor in Dental Surgery course, she finished a comprehensive 2-year post-graduation course in Dental Implants and a 1-year continuing education course in Oral Surgery.

Caroline practices dentistry holistically looking at the patient as a wholly unique individual, not just teeth and gums, in order to bring the best of all specialties together for their benefit. You will often hear her say: "By working to discover the underlying issues of the dental problems, as opposed to just treating the problem, you can prevent them from reoccurring and reduce your need for treatment in the future."

With her bubbly personality and gentle demeanour, she is passionate about approaching dentistry in the most conservative and comprehensive way, while tailoring it to suit each of her patients’ individual needs.