Dr Gloria SL Ching Northcote Dental Centre Auckland

Dr Gloria SL Ching

BDS (Otago), General Dentist

Contact Dr Gloria SL Ching

Dr Gloria SL Ching is a female General Dentist.

Dr Gloria is the principal dentist at Northcote Dental. She graduated from the University of Otago in 2015 with Distinction and has since worked in private practice in Taupo and Auckland. She is currently also a clinical tutor with the University of Otago Auckland Facility.

Gloria enjoys all aspects of dentistry with a special interest in Orthodontics having completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics. She firmly believes that a smile will go miles in making a positive difference to a person’s life. With a keen eye to detail and artistic ability, Gloria enjoys giving patients the smile they have always dreamed about. She is also passionate about learning new techniques and technology to provide quality dental services to all her patients. Moreover, her gentle and caring approach helps put many nervous patients at ease.

Gloria also loves travelling and has a keen interest in volunteer work, having provided dental services to rural villages in both Vietnam and Myanmar.