Dr James E Talbot The Wellington Dental Practice Wellington

Dr James E Talbot

BSc (Otago), BDS (Otago), FDS RCS (England), MSc (Conservative Dent) London, General Dentist

Dr James E Talbot is a male General Dentist.

After completing his undergraduate dental degree in New Zealand James enjoyed the challenges of working in hospitals in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. He completed extensive post graduate training in England which included becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (in Oral Surgery), and a Masters in Conservative Dentistry (with Distinction) from London University. He was privileged to have then worked as an Associate Specialist in Restorative Dentistry at the Royal London Hospital before returning to New Zealand.

James has a keen interest in complex dentistry including dental implants, helping patients deal with tooth wear, missing teeth and reconstructing smiles that have deteriorated or even lost entirely. He often sees patients on referral for difficult treatment needs.

While he enjoys a challenge, James believes the cornerstone of modern dentistry lies in prevention and accurate diagnosis – James is an advocate of caring for the mouth in order to avoid the need for extensive treatment later.

James is an examiner, speaker and mentor for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. He consults on cases for ACC and he has enjoyed the challenge of working on committees with the New Zealand Dental Council. An avid believer in continued professional development, James reads widely, keeps on top of changes in the dental world and speaks regularly at a local and national level.