Dr Karen L Whitehouse Neutral Bay Dental Surgery Neutral Bay

Dr Karen L Whitehouse


Dr Karen L Whitehouse is a female .

Karen has been treating patients at the Neutral Bay Dental Surgery for over 30 years. Over this time she has grown a reputation for quality dental work and she has a large and loyal patient base. Karen regularly attends courses and conferences to stay abreast of the many changes in modern dentistry. She is a member of the Australian Dental Association, The Northern Suburbs Dental Group and the ANZ Society of Paediatric Dentistry. She has volunteered as a dentist for the National Dental Foundation and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

Karen treats all members of the family (some third generation!). Most of her patients have been personally referred by other patients, dental specialists or by medical practitioners.

Karen enjoys the challenge of not only restoring peoples' smiles, but in taking the time to find the causes of their dental problems.

Prevention of oral disease and minimally invasive treatment including conservative cosmetic procedures are the cornerstones of Karen's philosophy. She is always happy to present a range of treatment options and to work with patients to provide treatment suitable for their current needs.

Karen has a special interest in providing dental care for children, older clients and anxious dental patients. When not treating patients Karen can be found hiking, swimming or spending time with her family.