Dr Sama  Asadi Lumino The Dentists - Auckland Central Auckland

Dr Sama Asadi

BDS (Iraq), General Dentist

Dr Sama Asadi is a female General Dentist who speaks Arabic (as well as English).

Sama graduated in 2009 from Al-Mustansriya University with a Bachelor of Dental Science. Her main dental interests are cosmetic crowns and veneers.

Sama's primary goals in her work are to finish her diploma in dental implants and continue expanding her knowledge and skills by treating more challenging cases. She is passionate about growing in her field and aims to offer the best care possible to her patients, particularly in complex implant procedures.

What Sama loves most about her job is being able to help people get rid of their dental pain and discomfort. She finds it incredibly rewarding to see the smiles on patients' faces when they see their new smile, it's a powerful reminder of the impact her work can have on their confidence and well-being.