Ms Alzena  Ali Devonport Dental Practice Auckland

Ms Alzena Ali

BOH (Otago), Oral Health Therapist

Contact Ms Alzena  Ali

Ms Alzena Ali is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Alzena joined the City Dental team in February 2017. Prior to joining the team, Alzena graduated from the University of Otago with a Bachelor of Oral Health in 2013 and has been working as a Dental Therapist with the local District Health Board.

Alzena has also spent some time volunteering at the Dental Clinic in Fiji’s Loutoka Hospital where she treated children in pain and adults requiring overdue hygiene treatment.

Alzena takes a special interest in treating and guiding patients’ personal care to achieve and maintain sound oral tissues. Her degree allows her to treat and manage caries with children from birth to 18 years and provide maintenance and care of periodontal and gum tissues for everyone.